
Ancient ways to learn Latin

Begin by working up from Monosticha Catonis, Disticha Catonis, Sententiae Publii Syrii, Sentences from the Vulgate, Sentences from Latin literature, Selections from Sacra Historia, and then read Vulgate, Gospels, Psalms, Proverbs. The student at this point should be ready to read Eutropius and then either Florus or Caesar. After that it is up to the teacher to decide but reading selections from Cicero and Pliny would be good. In the third level the teacher should be able to guide students through the poets (Horace, Vergil, Catullus, Ovid) and more Cicero, Livy, Tacitus. The paraphrase from the ad Usum Delphin needs to be used more and more and then finally students can be ready to more independent and fluid in reading whatever they want. The key is to aim at the creation of self-learners who can add vocabulary and grammar on their own and derive utility and joy from what they read on their own.